I decided to start on the 31 Beginner BabySteps from the Flylady website. I started last night and I figure if I document it here I may have a better shot of following through because I will be able to look at my progress and see when I derail again and maybe I will be able to get back on track a bit quicker if that should happen.
So last night I started babystep 1 which is shine your sink. The idea is to start on day 1 and then keep adding something new each day until you have completed the 31 days. So by the end of 31 days I have done day 1 31 times and it should be a habit by then. It is retraining your brain to do the things that you should be doing everyday to keep your home in functioning order and to keep the chaos away.
Day 1 - Shine your sink
Day 2 - Get dressed to the shoes + Day 1
I don't have a picture of me dressed to the shoes, but I did it and I even did hair and a little make up today which I never do! First thing when I walked into work one of the teachers noticed and said I looked pretty today! I was in a good mood all day. I came home and relaxed for a while and then I got up and finished putting up the counter in my dye lab like I have been meaning to, then I washed a sink full of dishes and shined my sink again!
(see the clean dishes in the drainer?) I also washed and dried a load of laundry and threw out some crap that was just laying about. I am feeling quite proud of myself actually! I will keep working and I will try to post daily!