Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Princess Dresses and Overcoming Fears

Yesterday I was cruising Walmart with my mom and we happened upon the fabric section.  I have been purchasing fabric from there lately for sun dresses for my youngest daughter and myself.  But yesterday I found some really cute smocked fabrics that were the perfect length for my granddaughter Jayde!

The thing I love best about this fabric, is that it is just one simple seam and you are pretty much done.  I also opted to add some straps because in my mind 4 years old is too young for a strapless dress.

 First I pinned the fabric where I wanted the seam. 


 Then simply sew the seam straight.  This particular piece of fabric was a little less than the half yard that I wanted for the dress, so I sewed a fairly scant seam.



 And further down the dress...

 I then decided to try something I have never tried before.  I wanted to serge the seam.  My wonderful husband found an awesome deal a few years ago at a yard sale.  He got me a Brother 1034D for just $40.  It didn't have the box, but it had the instructional dvd and the guy who sold it to him said his girlfriend had never been able to figure out how to use it.  I spent an additional $75 to have it tuned up and the blades replaced TOTALLY WORTH IT!  But, even after that, I have never really attempted to use it.  My oldest daughter Mariah has always been the one to use it.  So, last night I swallowed my fear and watched a video on how to thread it and gave it a go!
After a few tweaks to make sure I wasn't going to break my thread, and another peek at a youtube video, I was ready to go! 

 I opted to keep the blade in the on position for a neater edge.  It leaves a little pile of scraps and quite a bit of dust.

I loved how neat my seams/edges ended up!  Thread color doesn't matter because they are inside.  

I then used some ribbon that I had laying around and added some straps so she could be comfortable and not worry about losing the dress.

And the final result is...she loves them!!!

 This was a simple project with great results and I learned to use my serger and not to fear it anymore!  Oh...and Jayde absolutely LOVES her dresses!

Friday, May 25, 2012

He got me!

Well, my husband finally got me!  He got me all caught up and involved in another pc game!  It has been years since he got me the first time. I spent several years deeply involved in a game called Asheron's Call.  

I loved it, it drew us closer together...I have missed it for a long time.  I have tried to go back to it but it is just not the same as it used to be.  Or maybe I am actually not the same as I used to be.  Either way it just doesn't work for me anymore.  

 Paul has been trying to get me to play Diablo for a long time. Used to be Diablo II and I tinkered around there for a little while, but I never really could get into it.  

I guess the geeks of the world have been waiting around for more than a decade for Diablo III to be released and this is the year.  Paul got in on the beta testing and it kept him pretty busy and out of my hair for a while, and then on May 15th they released the full version.

O! M! B!  You would think Menudo was having a reunion tour!  

He was so excited!  He came home from work on the 14th and ate dinner and went straight to bed, then he woke up at 1:30am so he could download it right at  2:00am when it was released in our time zone.  He played until he had to go to work the next morning.  Sigh...I sure do love that geek of mine!

So, finally I said I would try it.  I really did not think I would enjoy it, in fact, I didn't want to enjoy it!  But, I like it!  I get such satisfaction out of killing all the demons and defeating the bosses.  I like doing the quests because it gives you a list at the side of the screen telling you what to do next on your quest and when you have done it, it marks it off and gives you another item on your list!  I LOVE LISTS!!!

The worst part about D3?  It is a time suck!  I should be doing other things but I'm sitting down on my computer playing a game.  I need to haul my butt outside and clean the pool so we can use it this weekend but I am chained to the computer!  I have started setting a timer so I don't lose track of time while I'm playing.  I didn't set the timer the first couple of times I played and ended up losing about 3 hours each time! 

Okay, now I really want to finish this post and go down to finish my quest, but I am going to go outside and work on the pool.  It has a ton of leaves at the bottom of the deep and I have to get them out of there so we can play!  Then as a reward for all my hard work I will go down and play for 1 HOUR and no more!!! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Going Slowly

So, the past several times I have started blogging I have gone at it full blown.  It worked for a week, a few days...once or twice, but I just couldn't stick with it.  I would get blog block and not be able to think of anything interesting to post, or I would get busy and not post or I would decide I needed to scrub the bathrooms from top to bottom and therefore did not have time to blog (btw, I hate cleaning, so this is obviously just an excuse to avoid blogging because I'm a big fat coward).  

This time I am going slowly.  I have my blog mentors who are awesome and post daily or at least several times a week and they always have something interesting to say.  I have been trying to be awesome like them.  Well, I have decided that I need to be awesome like me!  I am going to set a weekly blogging goal to start.  I think I need that to keep from getting overwhelmed and being scared of my blog.  I know I can come up with at least one interesting thing a week that has happened.  So, that is my mini goal.  I am not going to be perfect,  I may skip a week or I may blog more than once a week, but I am going to try to be more consistent, but I will forgive myself if I am not perfect. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

I love this part!

I love it when I feel rejuvenated and just feel like making a clean start!!  My mom just bought a new house and I was over there helping her today and it was just amazing to walk into a clean house with a clean slate!  There was just a few pieces of furniture, and it just felt so fresh!  We were over there cleaning the house so she can move her household in.  

So, now I am motivated to clean out my house and get rid of all the things!  I am going to have a yard sale in June, that will give me enough time to help get mom moved, and get my youngest through her high school graduation and give me time to clean up and clean out my house!  I talked to hubby and he agreed that our possessions are a burden to us at this point.  We need to get rid of stuff.  Even if it is something that we think we may need someday.  If we need it later, we can either borrow it or re-buy it at the time of need!

So, this is me, starting over once again.  I lost my job a month ago and this past month has been pretty difficult adjusting, but I am thinking I am going to be okay.  I think I can figure out how to save money by not working. I am cutting out the unnecessary spending and just going full ahead on living frugally!  I am reading The Complete Tightwad Gazette right now, I'm sorry, did I say reading, I mean memorizing!  Some of the stuff is out of date and a lot of it isn't relevant to my situation because I don't have young children at home, but I am pulling out all the little tidbits I can find!  If anyone knows of any other books that will help me on my stay home venture please leave me a comment  and let me know which ones to check out!

I am also going to be working on building my yarn biz up some more.  I have let if fizzle out this past year and that is just not helping at all!  I just have to be strong and make lists and stick to them!  I love lists!  

I'll let you know how it goes!



Friday, February 24, 2012

Bad Bloggy Blogger Girl!

So...I have been neglecting my blog.  But don't worry, I berate myself about it daily.  I have even started admonishing myself in my journal at night.  I figured a small post now might just get me started again, so here's hoping.

  • I'll have you know I have not been sitting around doing nothing while I have been absent...I prefer to recline on the sofa, not sit! LOL!
  • Seriously, I have been busy!  I have been pinning like crazy on Pinterest ..I have been making stuff and cleaning stuff and knitting stuff and spinning stuff and I have been working and napping...and other important stuff!  I even created a new board on Pinterest of the neat stuff I have found on there and have made or tried.  I call it Pinned it...Made it

  • I am also working on my triangle loom that I have been wanting for ages!  I should have it done by this weekend thanks to the constructing and measuring of the man! I am in the process of hammering in 661 nails...let me tell you, that is A LOT of nails!  I took video of it the other day because I knew I needed to blog about it and was just way to lazy to type it up so I recorded a video of it.  But I need to do a bit of editing before I can upload it.  I also have started processing a super gianormous bag of raw wool that someone has given me.  I think there is about 100 pounds of wool in it and processing it will be a lot of work, but not as much as I feared in the first place.  I am really excited about it!
  • That's about all for now, I will get the video uploaded and some pictures uploaded this weekend. I am dyeing yarn this weekend so I will get some pictures and/or video of that and get it posted.  You might like to see what the process looks like from my end.  

  •  Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The best intentions paves a road...

Well, I have every good intention of getting stuff done over the weekend, and it just didn't happen.  I guess the planets didn't align or something, but I was never able to meet with the organizer and I just stayed busy all weekend!  I do have new lists though!  I made lists of things that I want to get done around the house for each room and I have goals.  I just need a timeline incorporated now.  Here is a little of what I want to do, I am not going to give you all of it at once because it is a lot.  I have a list will 12 different rooms and then I have a sub-list for each room.  I don't want to overwhelm you (I do that to myself enough already).  So, I will just give you a few rooms and a few lists at a time! (translation:  heeeyy, I can totally stretch this subject out to a couple of different blog installments!).
  • My list (and yes my sub list):
    •   Room that I want to tackle:
      • Living Room
      • n
  • The Sub list:
    • Living Room
      • Clean off seating areas
      • Clean off tv trays and put them away
      • Place coffee table
      • Clean off media center
      • Put away Christmas totes (yes, everything has been taken down and is in totes in the corner)
      • Clean off bookself
**edit**  I had the dining room and kitchen here too, but then I felt too overwhelmed and had to remove them.  That is what gets me in trouble in the first place, trying to do too much at once.  

So, that is the beginning of it, I can't believe I have had the guts to show you the before picture, but hey...I warned you that I am a hoarder and I am working my way out of it!  Hopefully this will motivate me to hurry up and show you the after pictures!

Until next time...don't let gravity get you down!!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

On to the next great yarn adventure!

Look, it's a little blanket baby!  I hope it grows up soon!

  • Since I was so successful in a timely completion of my last blanket, I thought to myself "self, you should totally make another blanket, I bet you could do this one even faster, maybe shave off a whole week from you current record of 2 years and 1 week!" It just so happens that as I was diligently working on Pinterest (I've got to keep my boards full you know) I came across a beautiful blanket called the Wool Eater.  I promptly jumped to the blog it was posted on (here) and they have started themselves a little ole crochet along (CAL).  Well, I can't pass that up! I mean, it's almost like having a list of what needs to be done!  I LOVE LISTS!!!

  •  So, I got started on the little thing and it is looking so cute!  However, I did start very late at night and I had to redo that blue round that I am working on twice before I finally figured out the correct way to handle it! 

  • And, since I have the CAL, there is a handy dandy list telling me how much of my blanket should be done and when it should be done!  I am so excited!  I am a little behind, but since Paul is STILL out of town on his "quick 3 day job" that he left for over a week ago, I have some extra time to work on it this weekend!  I hope to be all caught up to the current date by Sunday! Yay!

  • Here is the schedule, I just started it and I am already done with round 4!!

  •  Of course, it will be more difficult and take longer for each round the bigger it gets, but that is okay, I am still excited!  
  • I have tons of other stuff to get done this weekend.  I am starting to work on the house, and I will be posting before and after pictures of each room as I complete them, even though the before pictures are completely humiliating!  I always say I am a borderline hoarder...erm...yeah, I think I crossed that line!  It looks so much worse in the pictures!! I even took pictures of my messy kitchen before it got cleaned! Ewww!  I hate cleaning.

  • So, come back next week and see what I've been up to, I am actually doing quite well about photographing everything so at least you have some interesting pictures to look at!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Finally finished!

Well, I finally finished something huge!  Well, huge for me! Two years ago while on my anniversary weekend at a B&B I started an afghan.  I used the 10-stitch pattern and some awesome yarn that I got from Joannes. 

 Here is the yarn and the swatch from when I started.

The yarn by itself

This is the first part of it (notice the size with the dvd in the center for)
I then didn't touch it for a year!!!  I decided that this year I was going to finish it, the size was just until I ran out of yarn and I had 4 huge skeins!!!

I finally finished it on 1/18/12!!  The end result is 63" x 69"! (see the dvd to gauge the size of the blanket)?  That is huge!  I am using a ton of exclamation points here!!!!  It is so soft and squishy and warm!! And it is the first thing that I have made for me in a long time!  I am so glad to have finished it just in time for the cold weather we are having now. 

This is the blanket folded in half on the couch with a dvd for size gauge.

  •  I am quite please with myself, so much so that I think I am going to start work on another blanket, hopefully this one won't take me 2 years to finish! LOL

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dry Erase Calendar

So, I was exploring on Pinterest and I saw this wonderful idea for a dry erase calendar.

  • And, since my darling husband has the ability to forget anything said to him about what we should be doing and when...I thought it would be a great idea to have a calendar right where everyone could see it and could no longer use the excuse that they didn't know!  It was either that or I was going to have to start having him repeat back to me what I just told him so I know he would remember it.
  • The one on Pinterest was made with paint chips, which is quite clever, but not something I have just laying about.  So, I decided to modify it a bit.  
  •  I used a matted picture frame that I picked up from the thrift store for $4.98 (I really wish I had process pictures).  I then took 2 pieces of 12x12 scrapbooking paper in the design of my choice (why should anyone else get to choose, I am the one making it).  I taped the page together to make one large piece that fit in the mat that I wanted to use.  I used a pencil and traced the inside of the mat so I would know how much space I had to work with.  I then measured it off and made 2x2 squares (I did this in pencil).  I had a bit of room left at the top of the page so I used that space to write the days of the week.  I then went over the squares with a black sharpie. (curse it all that I didn't do process pictures, I am making one for my sister too, so I will add the process pics next week with hers).
  • I then taped the paper in place on the back side of the mat so it wouldn't shift and I put it all back in the picture frame.  I then used black sharpie to write directly on the glass (it won't wipe off with your hand while you write, but you can erase it really easy with a Mr. Clean eraser) the month & year, numbering the days, notes on one side and grocery list on the other.  I actually wrote the days of the week on the glass too because I didn't think about putting it on the paper before I got the frame put back together.  I did make sure I put the paper as close to the glass as I could so I could make sure I was writing directly in the squares.
  • After I was all done I used some of the command picture hanging strips and attached it to the side of my refrigerator where you can't miss it!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th is a good day for me!!!

Well, it has been 6 wonderful years with my wonderful husband!  This is the first year it has fallen on a Friday since the day we were married.  Yes, we intentionally got married on a Friday the 13th!  It was a great day and a beautiful wedding!

  • It has not always been easy, and we sure have been through a lot of tough times together, but he is my rock and I know that he will always be there holding my hand through the fires!  It has only made us stronger and happier!!  

  • Tonight we went out to a nice dinner and then went to the hockey game and watched the Missouri Mavericks kick the Allen Americans all over the ice!!!  We won 6 - 4!  It was a great ending to a great day!  And a great beginning to another fabulous year to come!!!

One more time!

Working on the blog again.  Actually I was starting another blog because I thought this one was consumed by the interwebs because I couldn't find it when I looked for it.  But then when I started the new one and made my first post, this one popped up on my profile.  So, here is my general post from the new on with the current ideas for my blog!!!


  1. I am 41, my name is Julie or Jules it doesn't matter.
  2. I have 2 daughters, 1 granddaughter, a great and tolerant husband 2 dogs and cat.
  3. We live in Independence, Missouri, it is a suburb of Kansas City.
  4. I work part time as an administrative assistant (they call me the den mom at work) and
  5. I (attempt) to operate a yarn company from my studio at home.
  6. I love to knit and spin and sit like a zombie in front of the tv.
  7. I am a borderline hoarder. I say borderline because I am attempting to stop it now and I don't like to shop.
  8. I have been married for 6 years tomorrow.
  9. I suffer with occasional bouts of depression/apathy (I am just coming out of a 6 month one)
  10. I don't keep a clean house, I let things get piled up and out of control and then I get overwhelmed and can't start anything.
  11. I am the youngest of 5 kids
  12. My mom and grandma moved here about a year ago and live about 5 minutes away from me and I run errands for them and help them out.
  13. My husband has a job that he has to travel a lot, sometimes it gets me down.
  14. I have never successfully written a blog, I always get distracted or just get writers block because I don't think I have anything interesting to say.
  1. What is going on in my day to day life. The exciting and the boring.
  2. Probably my adventures in house keeping and organizing (I am having a professional organizer come in and help me dig this mess out soon, I will probably talk about it).
  3. My attempt to gain control of my financial life and get the hell out of debt
  4. Me whining about numbers 2 & 3.
  5. Probably there will be yarn and knitting as that is what I do a lot of.
  6. Couponing! I am trying to learn to coupon (not like on tv, but just to save money)
  7. Craft projects that I do, I am starting to do more and it is fun!
  8. Things I have found on Pinterest (Pinterest has replaced Disney World as the happiest place on earth)
  9. Things I have done with what I have found on Pinterest
  10. Family - love them, hate them, love them more!
  11. Health stuff - I say this because I have been trying to lose weight for 30+ years and I know I will bitch about it sooner or later!
  12. Anything else that tickles my fancy or that you ask me to tell you about!
  1. Comments - if you are out there, and you are reading, say hi. I am convinced that I will be the only one who ever reads this, but I will be so excited if someone else does.
  2. Suggestions - if you have questions for me or if you want my opinion on something or if you just want to know something from my vast pool of knowledge. Ask, suggest, input!
  3. Money - give me all your money because I am so super awesome you want to pay me for my fabulous words!!
  4. Humor- You see, I was joking on #3 and I want you all to know that I will use sarcasm, humor and/or ridicule to amuse myself here. If I offend you with that please let me know. I won't change it or stop doing it, but I will be more specific and include you personally when I ridicule!!!
Well, I think that's about it for now, thanks for taking a look around and I hope to see you around here again!
